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  • My Go-To SaaS Benchmark Reports

My Go-To SaaS Benchmark Reports

Essential Data on Valuations, KPIs, Pricing and more

Anyone who follows my LI content for a while knows that I write a lot about SaaS valuations, KPI benchmarks and financial topics related to SaaS.

Several founders / brand leaders at saas.group have recently asked for helpful resources in this regard (that are free), so I've started compiling a list of my favorite ones.

As the list might also be of interest to some of you, I wanted to share it with you in this week’s article. Hope you find it useful :-)

SaaS Valuations

Public Market

Private Market / Micro SaaS

Funding Data

Operational KPIs, Pricing & More

PS: If specified, you should note the composition of the underlying data set. It may explain why the benchmarks for the same metrics are sometimes slightly different.

Afaik, the reports in the list are the most recent reports, but you can also find some historical versions, and updates may be published soon.

If you have any other good sources that aren't on the list, let me know! ✌️